Friday 4 March 2016

Hello! (again)

Dear readers,

It has probably been a year since I last wrote a blog, I honestly don't know how long this is going to last for either.

I hope you all had a great Christmas and new year (despite it being about 3 months ago) and hope you are all excited for Easter or other upcoming events too! Rather than writing out a new post as I'm slowly getting back into this blogging thing again, here's a link to last years Easter post I did on how to create a beautiful Easter tree, please do read it!

bye for now,
from me xx

Saturday 4 July 2015

My Long Overdue Spring-Summer Haul

Hi guys,

I apologise for the lack of posts  these past few months, it has been very slack, however I have been busy revising and my commitment has to be towards my education at the moment. I have been up to a lot off stuff this past while which I will inform you about in later posts, however I did promise you a haul (which I started a month or so ago now) so this might be a very long list. Hopefully this will encourage you or inspire you to do some shopping! Soooo lets go!

first of all I got a Strawberries Cream body and bath wash as it was on special offer at Superdrug, it was £1 instead of £3 (bargain) it smells absolutely delicious, it is luxuriously creamy leaving your skin feeling extremely soft and lovely... so yes I would defiantly recommend this

Next I have a Ted Baker Body Souflee, it is a gorgeous fresh scent which works perfectly for the new seasons that we are in and it moisturises the body perfectly, very good all round!

Next on my list is a soap and glory mist you madly spray which smells absolutely gorgeous! I'm not even joking I can't explain how gorgeous it is, if there is one thing you come away with any consideration of buying please buy this. Therefore, I will leave a link right here !

I also bought a shampoo too which is by dove and is called "Dove advanced hair series Oxygen Moisture" this has a really satisfying scent and is defiantly something I'd pick up again, if looking at not as luxurious and expensive hair products as it doesn't have a nice feeling to it when washing your hair (this sounds super silly!) However it does leave hair feeling very clean afterwards :)

I picked up two books both by John Green, which are quite popular at the moment and are called the Fault in Our Stars, and looking for Alaska. I am part way through looking for Alaska and it is brilliant! I haven't read the Fault in Our Stars yet but it is bound to be good as everyone raves about it.

Now there's the 'fake apple ear pods' which I got off one of them shopping trollies in a shopping centre at York, when my other ones broke. They are surprisingly really good, and I've found that they are better than the actual apple ear pods as they don't let everyone hear what music you listen to out the sides of them, they also feel comfier in my ear and don't make me feel as anxious about loosing them as they are about  1/3 of the price of real ones.

Next I have some cigarette trousers from Topshop that I bought in a 'paisley print' these are actually the comfiest pants I have worn in a long time and look smart which is super duper all round especially since I got them half price in a sale for only £18.

I bought some sandals from Clarks (yes, I know, not one of the coolest shoe shops around) and I didn't pick them up at first because I thought that the details on them would look a bit too much if I wore them, although later on when I saw them again I tried them on and decided that I did like them after all. Best of all they were reduced from £40 to £20 (I do love a good sale!) They will be perfect for my holiday/trip abroad next week.

I bought a Bardot top from Topshop as needed to start filling up my wardrobe more and it is so perfect as it is a pretty colour that can be worn with practically anything. It is also really light weight which is great too, seen as though it has been reaching up to 35 degrees here in England at the moment.

Another item that I picked up from topshop was a frilly playsuit (this really should be just a clothes haul lol) again, I thought this would be perfect for my trip next week as it's light weight and lovely bright summer-holiday colours, this was a must have for me as it was reduced to £18 for £38 (absolute bargain!)

Because I am a quite sweaty person *cringe* I had to swap my usual deodorant back to maximum protection, I am going to do a whole post on this tomorrow if you want more info about it, but it has been doing me the world of goodness and when I wear it I don't sweat at all underneath my armpits, Sure maximum protection sport strength is an absolute must if you are like me!

Last but not least (I hope I haven't bored you here :/) I have another shampoo/conditioner that I bought called renewing argan oil of morocco shampoo. This is a very luxurious cheap option of a shampoo and smells divine. I head people rave about, that's why I bought it, however if you do love it, you need to keep it stocked up as I found it only last me about 3/4 weeks between 2 people.

I hope you enjoyed my haul, and if you have any requests on my next blog post please comment or tweet me at @everyanyblog

bye for now!
from me xx

Monday 18 May 2015

how not to be bored when you're ill

Hi guys,

whilst writing this you'll find me, tucked up in bed with my onesie on, having done anything this Monday. I'm ill but getting better with the nurofen to the rescue. Whilst feeling sorry for myself, I realised that this is probably one of the first days I have taken off sick and have not been bored, so I'm gonna tell you what I did... so that hopefully when you're next sick you probably wont be as bored too! :)

  1. Go back to sleep! after being told that it would be better for me to stay at home again, I put back on my pyjamas and went back to sleep for another three hours. Normally I would just stay up in bed for the rest of the day being bored, but having the extra sleep helped me feel much better
  2. Don't watch TV (alone). Yep, you read that right, I normally would turn on the TV and watch a film or a programme with it being quite boring because lets face it daytime tv is quite rubbish. If I'd of put a a film on it would probably of been one that I had already seen, plus it's not the same watching a film by yourself compared to with other people. However if there are two people there who want to watch a film, go ahead because that would be enjoybale
  3. Read  book, but only if you really want to. In my experience reading a book, whilst ill when you don't really want to is like the worst idea ever! You're probably going to not paying attention to the story line, plus its's really hard to concentrate when you're coughing everywhere and can't breathe
  4. Watch some YouTube. This is something that's really easy to put on in the background and enjoy, I know that I very much enjoyed watching the sacconejoly and velvet ghost (Gabby) whilst eating some brownies.
  5. ring up your friend that's also ill and have a natter. You're both ill, so that's okay right? Everyone needs some company, put don't spend all day on the phone!
  6. Don't play music. It's just going to hurt you ears an make you want to cry even more about not being able t do much.
  7. Stay in bed. It's going to be the comfiest, warmest place that you shouldn't want o move from. plus it means that your germs wont be spreading
  8. Play a board game with someone who's willing. this is an activity that won't kill your brain cells and help your relax
  9. Eat some Yummy, healthy food. you need to be on top form and eating bad things all day won't help, but you can at least allow yourself a brownie or two...or three.... or four.... or just the whole batch
  10. Don't do homework or extra work. you need to relax, and take care or yourself, not put you in stressful situations
  11. Do some online shopping, Treat yourself!
  12. Do dome art and express yourself
  13. Have cup of hot Ribena, this is like the magic cure of all hot drinks!
  14. Google some interesting stuff
If you're ill today are want someone to talk to tweet me @everyanyblog

from me xx

Friday 15 May 2015

Big 100 follower giveaway!

Hello guys!

Today I would like to inform you on a 100 follower giveaway on bloglovin and blogger, that The Blogging Box an I will be hosting. It is quite early on to be saying it, however it gives us plenty of time to save up the money and arrange getting all the products.

The current Stats!

Me : 5 on bloglovin and 20 on blogger
The blogging box : 7 on bloglovin and 25 on blogger

We are going to be including some luxury items in the giveaway such as soap and glory, lush, rimmel and many others!

The blogging box -
The blogging box -

Everything anything blog -
Everything anything blog -

Get following for your chance to enter, make sure you follow both of us as this will increase your chance of winning in the randomer picker. If you unfollow after the giveaway please note you will be excluded from further better giveaways!

I wish you the best of luck, and be sure to share this with your friends!

from me and The blogging box xx

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Things we all did at primary school

Dear all you lovely lot,

Hey guys! sorry for the neglect in posts recently! I know I've been quite slack in blog posts, however I have been very busy, as I have had some very important tests, and have an important exam tomorrow morning too. So, today during my revision breaks I thought I would make a post called 'things we all did at school' to hopefully make you laugh and remember the good old easy times (and also to win back your laughs and have you returning to my blog again)
well I hope you enjoy....

In primary school:

1. Sitting on the benches in year six I don't know about you, but when year six came, oh that was the year! You were officially the Kings and queens of the school. And we got to sit on the benches and that's when all the kids thought you were amazing and literally bowed down to your "awesomeness"
  2.    Told that kid we were going to tell on them.  Let's be honest, all primary school children were annoying! Whenever someone called you stupid or said that you smelt like farts up went your hand and it automatically freaked the other kid out, they'd be nearly crying! Because that would mean the teacher would find out and shout at them. As soon as the teacher came over you'd say "miss please can I go to the toilet" and feel so badass

3. Told that kid you'd be there bestfriend if they...  Okay, so I don't know about you but I obviously thought being friends with myself was amazing, so if ever someone had sweets or was going to tell on me (see above fact) I would tell them that I'd be their best friend to stop them from doing something or get something. And guess what? it never worked...

4. Those weird pumps  At my primary school, to keep the carpets clean we all wore pumps that were just made of polystyrene and rubber probably. They always looked really weird and unusual. but if you had the pumps that didn't have Velcro and you could slip into you were AMAZING  

 5. mimed the songs in assembly... because you were very gangster and just cared for nobody. But at my school there was always one teacher who would try spot the kids who mimed.
6. Standing by the wall at playtime  and losing your dignity. when I was at school, getting into trouble with the teachers wasn't funny, especially when the dinner ladies could send you to face that wall for the half of lunch ... but if ever I got sent to the wall, it be like a police man coming to arrest you. Everyone would watch and you would loose all your dignity.
7. Being chosen to be the murderer in wink murder  I'm not even joking but having that job now is pretty intense, but back then? pwoar you were the champion and you felt like the criminal mastermind, that no one could ever stop you. The power was in your hands.
8.  Getting into a space in P.E otherwise known as 'the windmill'  whenever your teacher asked you to get into a space in p.e you found the biggest space possible and swung your arms around you like crazy! sometimes having to hit others during the process to show that was YOUR space.
9. Singing the extra king in sing hosanna If you ever sang an extra king during the second verse of sing hosanna... you had let your country down, your family and your friends (at least that's what we thought)
10. crying with excitement when you drove past your house on a school trip ... oooh how exciting our lives were
11. Thinking you were THE comedian when you put a cone on your head in P.E.  other kids used to laugh, you used to laugh when you took the cone out of the line and on your head. The teacher would never know you put that cone on your head, you were he most uncontrollable, hilarious child of the century!
I hope you enjoyed today's post! feel  free to comment other things you did in primary school or tweet me them @everyanyblog
from me xx

Saturday 2 May 2015

chocolate cake with chocolate fudge icing

Hi guys!

Today I'm going to show you how to make a luxurious chocolate cake with delicious chocolate fudge icing, that will wow family,friends and dinner guests! Soooo.... Let's go!

you will need

6.5 oz plain flour

2 tbl spoons cocoa powder

1tsp bicarbonate of soda

1tsp baking powder

5oz caster sugar

2 tbl spoons of golden syrup

2 eggs 

1/4 pint of milk

1/4 pint of oil

For the chocolate fudge icing:
3oz of melted butter
8oz of icing sugar
3oz Cocoa powder
6 tablespoons of milk


  1. sieve the flour into the bowl
  2. sieve the cocoa powder into the bowl
  3. sieve the bicarbonate of soda into the bowl
  4. sieve the baking powder into the bowl
  5. mix it all around 
  6. add the sugar
  7. mix it around
  8. add the syrup
  9. mix it around
  10. add the eggs
  11. mix it around
  12. add the oil and milk
  13. mix it around
For the chocolate fudge icing:

  1. Melt the butter on the gas/ job

   2. Add icing sugar

   3. Mix it around

   4. Add cocoa powder

   5. Add milk

Bake at 150-160 degrees on fan for approximately 30 minutes BUT PLEASE KEEP CHECKING IT CONSTANTLY

And Voila! You have the most perfect cake ever! I recommend making the icing during or after you cake has finished cooking and apply the icing 30 minutes (or when the cake is done) so it doesn't melt off! 

Tuesday 28 April 2015

74 ways to make the world a happy place

Hi guys

today I have a post on 74 ways to make the world a better and happier place, this is going to take forever! But here it goes...
  1. Smile! A smile can change a person's day 
  2. Compliment someone, make some feel better about the selfs
  3. Use your voice, speak up about things if it feels wrong or looks wrong
  4. Find someone lonely, if you see someone sitting by the selfs at lunch (please NOT just a random stranger) invite them over to your table, let them know someone cares
  5. Manners  don't forget to say sorry and thank you, be polite
  6. Think before you speak. Don't end up hurting someone's feelings
  7. Make mistakes and learn from them 
  8. Fight and know your rights 
  9. Forgive. You only hurt yourself 
  10. Spread joy 
  11. Express kindness
  12. Do work that makes you happy 
  13. Save water. take quick showers and save our resources
  14. Listen before speaking 
  15. Be positive
  16. Ask for help
  17. Share your skills and talents
  18. Help others
  19. Raise money for charities 
  20. Give someone a hug
  21. Hold that door open for someone (even if they aren't your favourite)
  22.  Don't add hate to the virtual  world and online, if you wouldn't like it said about you, don't say it about others
  23. Know how much you can offer 
  24. Spread with the world what you love and enjoy
  25. Teach others kindness this could be children or elders, it's important people know about how to be kind
  26. Teach others that bullying is wrong
  27. Give what you have lots of
  28. Hold the good close   Let go of the bad
  29. Learn from those you admire
  30. Fight for other people's rights
  31. Believe in love
  32. Offer help to those who are shy to ask 
  33. Show up when you say you'll be somewhere!this is just general politeness, and if you are unable to go, say sooner rather than later 
  34. Treat yourself and others with respect. Everyone likes a old gossip, but realise this is bad, if you wouldn't like it done to you, don't do it to others
  35. Take risks
  36. Support your local farmer's markets and stores
  37. Know we share the earth with other people
  38. Walk if you can rather than drive
  39. Respect pedestrians
  40. Tell children they're not too young to stand up for themselves 
  41. You are never alone, know this
  42. Take responsibility for your actions
  43. Acknowledge your role in a community 
  44. Set a good example
  45. Believe in yourself and others
  46. Share your money with others
  47. share your things with others
  48. Acknowledge similarities, exept differetns
  49. Don't drink and drive, think about the other people you could harm 
  50. Don't be afraid to stand out
  51. Visit museums and add to your education 
  52. Respect your school and teachers 
  53. Don't make others sick by coming to work ill 
  54. Don't be afraid of being a role model
  55. Fight to free people
  56. Tight to ban unnessary weapons
  57. Tell people to pick up the litter
  58. Don't judge other people's actions
  59. Don't compare yourself to others  no one is as hard on you as you are
  60. The world needs your best, don't play small
  61. Reach outside your comfort zone
  62. Respect others peoples religions and backgrounds
  63. Don't let snobs make you think otherwise 
  64. Do work you love
  65. Don't assume you are better thann others
  66. Spend time with those who need company
  67. Appreciate the earth
  68. Eat family meals together 
  69. Make your own list in how to make the world a better place
  70. Do waht you can to get the best life for your children
  71. Align your heart and mind with your words and actions
  72. Vote 
  73. Speak the truth
  74. Know I think you are AMAZING!!
Thank you for reading this post and I apoogise for the lack of posts lately but there will be more this week, be sure to tweet me or instagram me ways that you think could make the world a better and happier place @everyanyblog 

From me xx